Monday, July 21, 2008


Here in Germany there is this amazing custom concerning recycling - it is mandatory.  Now I, coming from the States, was not accustomed to this.  Recycling there is, to my knowledge, largely optional.  Sure there are some who are really zealous about their recycling (I still don't know if I followed all the prompts on Uncle Bud's trash bins correctly), but for the most part Americans simply "don't get" recycling.  For example, at my parents house, there are 4 trash cans and 1 recycling "bin".  The trash cans each hold 4-5 bags of garbage at least, while the recycling bin holds maybe 2 pizza boxes and 2 milk cartons.  However, in my current kitchen I have 3 trash cans and a cardboard box.  The cardboard box holds all glass and metal and the 3 trash cans hold paper/cartons, plastic, and garbage, respectively.  Not only that, but out of the bins that are put out on collection days, the "garbage" bin is the smallest.  Amazingly enough, after you recycle paper, plastic, metal and glass, there really isn't a lot left over.  

You may be wondering why in the world I am talking about recycling on my blog... No, I'm not "that" bored - I've just been thinking a lot about recycling and how much that relates to other real life situations.  I've come to the determination that there are 3 major kinds of recyclers - the uninformed, the compliant, and the passionate.  

The Uninformed:  These would be the "casual" recyclers.  Those who will toss the green bean can in the recycling bin, but are not sure if the egg carton counts or not?  And what about those pesky Styrofoam plates - do those get recycled?  Ahh, forget it - it's only a few plates... It won't make that big of a difference.  Still yet, even the uninformed can make a correct deduction and properly recycle when the big blue container with a 5-inch circle says "cans only"...  *Most* uninformed know that the CocaCola can goes there...  So the uninformed aren't entirely uninformed, but are content with the status-quo.  

The Compliant:  These are the civilly responsible recyclers.  They have read the recycling bin instructions and properly place the newspapers in the paper sack.  They tear off the labels of the green beans, assuring that the tin is in proper recycling condition.  Some compliant recyclers even go as far as to keep a handy bag in their kitchen and inform guests in their home to just leave the CocaCola cans on the counter because "We recycle!!"  Such a person also has been known to look for the "made from 100% recycled products" at Staples to ensure that they are doing their part.  The compliant recyclers likely make up the majority of us, I would say.  Not ignorant that recycling helps save the planet and surely doing "their" part.  

The Passionate:  Ahh the passionate... We've all seen these "crazy hippies".  These are the ones who actually even separate their garbage!  Forget separating the recycling, these zealots actually have you put your banana peels in a separate container and compost them... Their glass is separated into divisions of clear, green, and brown.  You'll see them take their recycling to the recycling center themselves; which is in stark contrast to the uninformed and compliant who couldn't tell you where the nearest recycling center is.  The passionate recyclers are the "green" of society.  You'll see them planting trees on earth day - trying to make up for all the damage our SUV society causes.  

So I ask, what kind of recycler are you?  An uninformed, a compliant or a passionate?  

May I just say that I care about our planet, I really do... But I, by no means, classify myself as "green".  As I've been thinking about recycling, I'm led to compare recycling with relationship questions that continually plague our society.  Issues that seem to destroy us as a rapid rate.  Are there different kind of ways to love people like there are different kind of recyclers?  

Are we uninformed with our love for each other?  Do we go out to lunch and talk about the weather, Big Brother 26, TomKat and oh my gosh did you hear than Angelina had her babies???  Or perhaps we gather around the TV on a Sunday and watch "the game"; Monday morning we find ourselves meeting at the coffee pot at work talking about the winning touchdown that happened with 10 seconds left on the clock in the 4th quarter...  Sure we "talk" - but there's not much room or time to really invest in a conversation.  "Yeah, I saw her last Friday - she seemed fine... What do you mean she's depressed?"  Or during the greeting time at church we eagerly go up and down each pew counting how many hands we can shake and how many hugs we can get - "Don't you just love coming to church?  It's so great to see everyone here this morning!"  

We could be compliant people lovers...  We've seen the Bible verse that talks about loving our neighbors as ourselves.  We do our best to do that.  When we go out to lunch, we ask our friends how they are.  When they answer "Fine.", we're content with that.  We asked; that's our obligation.  If they didn't share, we can't make them.  Still yet, the compliant people lovers will probably be the ones who will bring you soup when you're sick.  Send you a card on your birthday.  We'll  be the ones who will know when you're going on vacation or be there to listen to you vent after your most recent fight with your parents/in-laws.  A shoulder to cry on, should you ever need it.  Just give us a call...

Or maybe we are the passionate people lovers.  These are a rare breed indeed.  These people do not accept "Fine." for an answer to the "How are you?" question.  Oh no, these are the people who will know that when you are at home and aren't answering your phone, that means you're depressed... They hop in their car, break into your house, and force you out of bed.  You couldn't do it yourself; they saw that and were there for you.  The passionate people won't just listen, they'll cry with you.  When they see you falling, they'll not only try to stop you from falling, but somehow cushion your fall.  When these champions see you struggling, they will pull you into a hug immediately and pray with you right on the spot, knowing that the King of Kings is the best Healer of hearts.  They'll think of you and shoot you an encouraging email because they know how hard Mondays are for you; or maybe just for fun a "Yay! It's Friday!" ecard...  I've been blessed to be loved by some particularly passionate people-lovers.  A few include my Mom, Lisa Harmon, Christi Salchak and Karen Maxwell.  My mom, well.. yeah... won't go there but she rocks.  Lisa encourages me with an email faster than anyone... Not to mention the lunches that made me hate going back to work; not because of work but because the lunch company was so wonderful.  Christi, who pulled me into a prayer hug right in the lobby of my work because I was struggling with something.  I've long since forgotten what I was going through at the time, but such a passionate example of loving people has impacted my life forever.  And Karen, my massage therapist.  Her massage-prayers and words of encouragement often left me in tears, thanking God for bring her into my life because I really needed her intercession to God Almighty.  

Recycling... is it effective no matter what kind of recycler you are?  And what of love?  Is love still effective no matter what kind of people-lover you are?  To take it one step farther, what kind of Christians are we?  

Are we uninformed?  Are we content with going to church most of the time?  Do we find ourselves reading the Bible some of the time?  Mostly on Saturday nights though, remembering that the challenge of last week's sermon was to read your Bible at least once this week...  When someone mentions a prayer request, we promise to pray.  Indeed we do pray... that night.  A month later we ask, "so what ever happened with ___?"  Do we show up to church and sing the songs and toss $5 in the plate every other week?  

Are we compliant?  The compliant are the "faithful" church goers.  By golly, we are there every week for Sunday school!  We know all the words to the songs and Hymn #378 is our favorite.  The compliant are faithful with Bible reading and regularly attend Bible study in an earnest effort to learn more of God.  We really love God and want to honor and serve Him.  We allow our lives to get too busy, but doesn't everyone?  But in our heart of hearts, we pursue God.  

Or maybe we are passionate in our service to God?  The passionate wake in the morning, remembering to thank God for the new day, honoring Him in the first thoughts and prayers and mumblings of the day.  The passionate Christians are quick to forgive and diligent to pray for needs.  They likely keep a journal of prayer concerns and follow up with others to make sure that the prayer concern hasn't changed.  Strangely enough their relationships look a lot like the passionate people lovers of above.  There's no condemnation, but plenty of encouragement.  There's genuine concern and heart-felt love for others.  

The Bible says this: "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind,'  This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"  

As I ask myself what kind of recycler (of waste, love or God) I am, I pray that I've encouraged you as well.  It's easy to go along with the status-quo.  But what/who does it really benefit?  I encourage you to go "Green" for Christ.  Go "Green" with your love for others.  And sure, go "Green" for the planet.  

I encourage you, be a passionate "recycler."  


Stephanie said...

Double wow....that's incredible how you compared and analyzed recycling. Hmmmm, certainly makes me think. Wouldn't you say the majority of people are all three? Personality wise they may tend towards one however. I know I can be passionate at one moment and then perhaps compliant at another. But you have definitely reminded and encouraged me to be diligently seeking passion.
I will never look at my recycling bin the same way. GO GREEN!!!

Anonymous said...

i agree with stephanie..i'm all over the place. some days god would be so proud of me...and others, not so.

Kate Noel said...

Yeah, I'm sure that's true for everyone... I still think that we tend to lean toward one way or the other most of the time. Our selfishness at the time surely affects how we act...

Uncle Adam said...

Another WOW. Kate, your too good for Jason. I've known him all his life and I know that he would just toss the "stuff". Just kidding. You guys are meant for each other. I am so proud of Jason for finding such a quality young women as you. I believe the sky is the limit for both of you, really even outter space. You both love and respect each other and that will influence so many people in the years to come. Stay strong and cheer each other on. The journey is long but one day at a time with our Lord will build an eternity.

Carole said...

Man I wish i could think like that.. Heh - nice writing Kate. =)

Unknown said...

I've known you for years, so I have other reasons, but this alone has me convinced you should seek out ministries professionally. This was ridiculously insightful and thought provoking.

love you!