Thursday, July 10, 2008

Noel Poll

Is leaving the toilet seat up and having a stray long hair in the sink on the same on the "no-no" level? 

Option A - Absolutely not.  Leaving up the toilet seat is a purposeful, willful and wantant sin that only uncivilized, baboon-eske men commit to deliberately anger women and make them look haggard.  This is a conspiracy so that the male civilization (term used loosely) may over take the world.  They must be stopped - MAKE THEM PAY!!!!!  

Option B - Absolutely not!  Unconsciously allowing your scalp to shed a hair is most certainly MORE disgusting!  Females with long hair should walk backwards to ensure that if and when their scalp decides to remove hair from itself, they are able to immediately spot said hair, pick it up and vacate it from the premises.  When females act appropriately and control their shed hair in such a manner, they will not see the toilet seat up at all, which thus alleviates both "issues".   Clearly this is the wisest answer.  

Option C - You mean the toilet seat can go DOWN?  How come I didn't know this?? 

Option D - haha... wait, what?  (Abby Answer) 

Option E - You two newlyweds should just shut up and go make a baby - no one wants to hear about this... 


Barackaphobia said...

There wasn't an option for if they are equally evil...

Stephanie said...

what if 2 answers are right???? Like...... A AND E

Amy said...

Hmm - having a tough time with this one... The toilet seat should NEVER be left up! I am very spoiled because I had a brother and I have a husband who always put it down.

On the other hand, if you leave hair in the sink YOU SHOULD CLEAN IT OUT (ahem Scott). I would not say one stray hair in the sink is gross, but as soon as you see it, clean it. More importantly, if you trim your bangs with scissors (ahem Scott) there *will* be tiny hairs left in the sink that was probably cleaned recently, so make sure you put your glasses on *before* you attempt to clean it out so you get it all.

You probably asked the wrong person here - lol!

Amy said...

ps - I still *have* a brother - I just don't live with him anymore...

Carole said...

so.. i have to agree with amy - i'm having a tough time with this one.

leaving the toilet seat up isn't really that big of a problem as long as the said person who leaves the seat up is okay with being the one who cleans the toilet imo.

leaving a hair in the sink isn't really a problem because hopefully the people who live in said premises wash their hands once in a while and said hair goes down the sink. If there are multiple hairs in the sink and/or around the sink that are not being cleaned by someone then... that could be a problem and gross. =)

now.. option c and d aren't really useful to me so no comments there =P

Option E has one part right, you newlyweds need to relax and not care about small minute things such as these... and clean up after yourselves! (Kate, you should put the toilet seat up after you go to the bathroom once in a while...cause Jason might not realize it's up and sit down on the cold ceramic like us women do late at night not realizing the seat is up - that would be entertaining, and he might not forget to put the seat down from that point on =P)

On the issue of makin babies.. you guys should not worry about bathroom issues as much and perhaps do the act of making babies.. i don't know - i think you guys should have some more time being married before you actually make the babies tho! Bathroom arguments to baby arguments.. one is going to be more serious than the other, just in case you didn't know! =P

So all in all - i couldn't vote on this one! Too tough and not enough choices =P

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha....wait...what? :-D

love, abby

(other than that obvious answer, i would have to go with option a :-) )

Barackaphobia said...

I just think that they fall at about the same level of evilness... It doesn't matter though, I pick Abby's answer...

Unknown said...

hmm... i wish there were an almost equal button. leaving hair in the sink, or counter is a no-no, but it doesn't hurt anyone. however, it is still gross. leaving the toilet seat up... i think is a bigger no-no just because if someone were to not pay attention while sitting down to use the restroom, they might fall in... not that that has happened to me but i have known for to happen to others... lol. it's just nice for the guy to put the seat down... kate, i completely understand. steve doesn't always put the seat down even though i always clean my hair up... although he swears he puts it down EVERYTIME ;) like i ever have a reason to put the seat up?

Uncle Adam said...

You women have an obsession of us men touching the tolet seat. You know that at least 70% of men don't wash their hands after leaving the bathroom. So why do you want us to raise it when we enter and then lower it when we are finished. Then we have to touch it twice. Second, I know that Jason lived alone for a while and I would dare to say that he never fell in the toilet. He would raise the seat when needed and would also lower when needed. I think this is just a big cover up because some "people" don't look when they sit down. Too bad. Deal with it. Just joking around so don't take me so serious. Not.Yes. Not.Yes.Not.