Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Dookie assails my senses... Must be spring in Germany...

Indeed, the beginning of spring has been marked  by the unmistakable, undeniable scent of pig poo all around our lovely farm community of Ansbach, Germany.  It's basically terrible.  Jason and I went on a bike ride the other day and as we were enjoying the scenic countryside of Germany we found ourselves nausiated by the smell!  It is so gross.  It's weird, also, because somehow it is like an invisible line of dookie... One minute, it's safe to breathe, then next, you're about to vomit through your nose...  We've decided that the lack of dookie smell was the best part about winter.  

So Jason and I have been married for 1 year (and 4 days).  The first year of marriage was awesome.   Sure, we discovered some things about each other that we didn't fully know before, but all-in-all it's made us love each other more and realize how blessed we are to have each other.  Jason thinks that we should have goals for our second year of marriage; you know, like what we want to have learned by anniversary #2.  I asked him what he suggested and he said that he thought it would be good if -I- learned how to properly split food items.  He maintains that 1/2 and 1/2 is not even... Who knows what he thinks IS even.  *rolls eyes*   But I love him, so I will sacrifice my portion of delectable treats.   *sometimes even without a fight!*  :)  

We had a wonderful weekend though.  We went down to Munich and saw a concert.  Then on Monday we enjoyed the park/hunting grounds of Nymphenburg Palace.  It's a beautiful place and we really enjoyed spending the day together, relaxing.  Then on Tuesday we went for our bikeride (as previously mentioned) and went to visit the castle that is in our village of Lichtenau.  It was fun and, against my better judgement, I am posting a historical video for your reference.... *sighs* 

Here's a picture of the Lichtenau Castle, of which you are now thoroughly informed... 

Just a small portion of the "approachable" castle of Nymphenburg.  View is from the front lawn. 


Happy us.

That's it for now folks.  Hope everyone is doing well.  :)  

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Counting Quarters...

So yesterday, at work, I was going through all my currency and organizing it in order of dates (yes, I really did that and, yes, I really was that bored...) and I came across two quarters in my drawer from 1967.  I'm going to keep an eye out and see if I can find another one older than that...   

Thursday, April 2, 2009

It's Not About the Coffee

I'm sitting here reading a book about a well-known company...  Crying and praying that the door would soon be opened for me to pursue my dream.