Thursday, February 12, 2009

Nooo, NNNoooo, NNNNOOOO *Sing-song voice*

Ha, that simple phrase can bring smiles to my heart and face quicker than almost anything. You see, the special fondness for this simple phrase originated about 9 years ago. At that time, my baby sister was 2. For sisterly bonding time we would frequently watch the movie White Christmas (ok, ok, the BOYS would be there too, but we would pretend they weren't ;)...). Abby loved to sing and couldn't pronouce her s's. She and I would sing through the whole movie and dance along to our special song "Sisters". The best thing that came out of our sisterly bonding White Christmas time was the fact that it helped us understand to what Abby was referring when she said the word "no". If she just spoke the word "no" (or yelled it), then she was probably talking to her brothers. However, if it came out in the form of a tune, she was referring to the precipitation that was falling from the sky. It was funny also, because when she sang the tune, it would never just be any old song; with each "no", it would build in intensity and volume... Her mouth would open in a perfect O shape as she expertly belted out her favorite lyrics. Funny how some things don't change... :D

We got a few inches of snow last night... I think I'm going to be singing a certain song for the rest of the day! "Nooo, NNNoooo, NNNNOOOOO!!!"


Stephanie said...

Ahhhhh.....yes, fond memories, now it all makes sense. Sad note: she doesn't dance to the sister's song and she doesn't sing "no" anymore. Now, if they were in High School Musical then perhaps she would sing and dance to them! Why, oh why must they grow up????