Thursday, February 5, 2009

"0-6-hundred... what does that mean? Oh my gosh it's early!" - Good Morning Vietnam

Hey everybody.

Boy have things been busy around here lately!!! The last two weeks have been especially insane because Jason has had to go into work at 6 am. Since we only have one car at the moment, this also means that my eyes are seeing something that they HATE to see - a clock that reads 5 AM! *eek* It's been ok for the most part; I've just been reading and working out before I have to go to work.

Work is going well... I'm still getting used to the job and wishing I knew all the answers to the questions I'm asked. That's the Katie way, of course. I'm sure it will come with time (hopefully not too much time though!).

So my cousin Erica always used to say that only cool people have stalkers. Well, I am pleased (kinda) to tell you that my husband and I have arrived. We have a stalker. A very old, senile stalker. You see, my sweet husband offered to give this lady a ride one day as she was walking up the hill in our neighborhood. She declined, but asked if Jason was a soldier and if we lived in the area. Jason told her that we lived a few streets up and to have a nice day. About a week later some strange things started occurring on Martin Behaim Weg... There began to be packages delivered about every 2-3 days on our doorstep. The first day it was just a men's sweater laid over the fence. Then it was a couple women's sweaters and some used rags. Then it was a light fixture. After that was a whole bag full of sweaters, a beer glass, a stein and a wrapped bottle of cheap cologne. The final gift appeared to be a few more sweaters, but we left it setting on the doorstep over night and did not bring it into the house. The following day when we returned from work we realized that the gift from the previous day had disappeared. As strange as the gifts were, having one taken back was even stranger. A few days later, on Saturday, we had a visitor on our doorstep, instead of a gift. We invited Theresa in for a visit and coffee (that's her name, evidently). Over the course of about one and a half hours she told us about 6 stories... about 10 times each. She seemed very nice though. We invited her over for lunch this coming Saturday. We haven't received any gifts this week, which means that she could have forgotten about us or is just saving them all up for Saturday. Any thoughts on what I should make for lunch? In all seriousness, we're just hoping that we can learn some things from her and are able to give her some company - she seems very lonely...

On another note I have made a dire mistake: I experimented in the kitchen and made a good tuna melt sandwich. Why was this a mistake you might ask? Because now my husband is obsessed with them and we are having them every other day it seems. I like them and all, but seriously...

Also, we know about 15 couples who are expecting babies (including my dad and step-mother). If you could keep all those pregnant people in your prayers... Jason and I know a couple who had twin boys last week. The boys are doing well, but the mom is still in the hospital and has had some complications. We're hopeful that she will be released on Monday though. Their names are Justin and Grace (and Caden and Cameron for the boys). :) And no, I haven't been drinking the water....

So how are you all doing? It seems like forever since I've talked to most everyone.

Hope you all are well. Love & hugs,


Jason Noel said...

amazing, you posted! well done, I love you.

EmJ said...

I got a call last night!!!

Anonymous said...

I so totally understand the 5 AM thing! I have never been an early morning person (just ask your grandma!), except for when I was very little...according to Mother...and on my working days, I now arise at 4:45-4:50ish! I have to be at work at 6:45, and it takes me 25 minutes to drive to work, so I leave the apartment at 6:15. I get up, take a shower, dry my hair, put on make-up (I want to look "professional"!), fix and eat breakfast (need the energy for the day), and pack my lunch (of course I could pack my lunch the night before, but I never do!). I guess because it's so early, and I move slowly that time of the morning, it takes me about an hour and a half to complete all of those tasks. It is definitely a change for me!

Love, Aunt Gwen