Monday, September 1, 2008

Busy week :)

Guten Tag! 

So how's everybody doing?  I've gotten some updates from a few of you, but not all - just wondering how my loved ones are! :)  I've got a few pictures here: 

This is after my husband worked so hard to make me a storage thing for our bathroom... He was... "irritable"... 

He did it out of love... I assure you.  (clearly he loves me a lot! :) ) 

Working hard... 

I took this picture on my walk the other day... I love these two buildings.  They are in the courtyard of the castle in Lichtenau

Just your average German restaurant.  There are so many window boxes full of flowers!  It's amazing because almost all the flowers have been in full bloom our whole time here!  There's so much color!!

Jason also has some pictures posted up on his site (  Some of the zoo and some from his dad's wedding.  

The Carter Clan is in Florida this week...  And I'm not there.  Those of you who know me and how much I love Walt Disney World should know that it's not the easiest time for my heart right now.  Jason got a long briefing on the glorious-ness of Walt Disney World during breakfast this morning... And while I was doing the dishes...  And I had to stop myself before I completely drove him crazy.  :D  

Busy week this week!  It's getting to be that way more often, which shows me that our lives are getting into a "pace" now, which is good.  Jason's been really busy with school lately; he's working so hard - I'm so proud of the success he's having with it!  College can be quite annoying though, especially when you're working, working in the military, and in a foreign country.  He's doing good though - better than he thinks!! :D  

Today we went shopping for a desk for our office.  I'd seen a desk when I went out with our friend Michelle and today I took Jason back to the shop so he could see it.  The SLIGHT problem was the language "thing".  It is a ma-and-pop antique shop.  The pop speaks zero English, the ma claims to be "learning English".  LoL - It was a riot!  The husband took us out to his workshop and he's just talking away to us in German.  I am convinced that you learn a language very quickly in that setting.  Just the two times I've been to this shop I've learned more German words than I knew before!  

Tomorrow I start actually taking a German class on post.  I'm excited.  It's a two-week class and then, after that, I can go to Ansbach at their community center and take another class there.  I'm hopeful that I'll be able to learn enough to help while shopping and ordering food at restaurants.  One plate of "Parma Ham" is enough for me!  **rolls eyes, don't ask...** 

Also tomorrow starts the P.W.O.C. (Protestant Women of the Chapel) ladies Bible study!  I've really been praying for this kind of Bible study for a long, LONG time and I'm so thankful that they have it here!!  At first I didn't think they had anything like this, but evidently they were just taking the summer off.  My new friend Christie told me that there are a ton of ladies who come so I'm excited to get involved with that.  

Jason's posted some pics up on his site:

Hope you all are doing well!  Much love and many hugs to you all! 